
Earning From Luxury With The Farfetch Affiliate Program

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farfetch brand

Farfetch boasts the world’s largest selection of established luxury brands. 

Their catalogue consists of 100,000 high-end products that pull in an estimated annual revenue of $2.5 billion!

These feats are almost as impressive as their massive global presence, with stores spanning over 190 countries. 

It doesn’t stop here!

Fatfetch also has an affiliate program that’s currently enriching hundreds of people.

Today, we will show you how you can tap into Farfetch’s goldmine.

Getting Started: How Do I Sign Up?

It takes five easy steps, here’s how:

  1. Visit Farfetch’s Affiliate Program Page

Go to Farfetch’s official website and find their affiliate program section.

  1. Click on Sign-Up 

Locate the sign-up or join now section on the affiliate program page.

  1. Provide Required Details

Provide your details such as your site URL, traffic stats, and target audience information.

  1. Submit Your Application

Double-check your information and submit it using the email address provided. 

  1. Await Approval 

Wait for Farfetch’s team to review your application. Approval typically takes a few days.

Key Features: Farfetch Affiliate Program Overview

Here’s a collection of things that make Farfetch ideal for affiliate marketing success.

Tiered Commission Structure 

Farfetch provides a tiered commission structure where top-performing affiliates earn higher rates.

Performance Bonuses

Affiliates who consistently exceed sales targets might receive performance bonuses, further enhancing their earning potential.

Limited-Edition Collections 

Affiliates can capitalise on promoting limited-edition collections, which often generate high interest and urgency among buyers.

Brand-Specific Campaigns

Farfetch offers brand-specific campaigns with unique promotional materials and higher commissions.

Currency Conversion and Payment Options 

With support for multiple currencies and payment methods, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for international customers.

Global Shipping and Returns

As a global affiliate program, efficient global shipping and easy return policies are essential and available on all Farfetch products.

Commission Structure 

Payout Rates

Farfetch offers competitive and attractive commission rates that stand out in the affiliate marketing industry. 

  • Standard Rate: 

5% for affiliates generating up to $5,000 in sales per month.

  • Intermediate Rate: 

6% for affiliates generating between $5,001 and $15,000 in sales per month.

  • Top Rate: 

7% for affiliates generating over $15,000 in sales per month.

  • Seasonal and Promotional Bonuses: 

During major sales events or peak seasons, Farfetch offers temporary increases in commission rates to incentivise affiliates. 

Payment Methods

  • Direct Deposit: Earnings are directly deposited into the affiliate’s bank account.
  • PayPal: A popular and convenient option available worldwide.
  • Paper Check: For affiliates who prefer traditional forms of payment.
  • Wire Transfer: For regions where other payment methods are less accessible.

Timing and Frequency of Payments

  • Monthly Payments: 

Affiliates typically receive their earnings on a monthly basis, providing a steady and predictable income stream.

  • Payment Processing Time: 

Affiliates can expect to receive their funds within a specified period, often within 15 to 30 days after the end of the month.

  • Minimum Payout Threshold: 

At least $100.

Tracking Your Progress

Farfetch’s affiliate program offers state-of-the-art real-time monitoring capabilities, ensuring affiliates can make data-driven decisions swiftly:

  • Live Dashboard: 

The intuitive live dashboard ensures real-time performance metrics to stay on top of campaigns.

  • Custom Alerts: 

Affiliates can set custom alerts for significant events, such as reaching a certain sales threshold or experiencing an unusual spike in traffic.

  • Detailed Traffic Analytics: 

Comprehensive traffic analytics reveal the sources of traffic driving the most engagement and conversions.

Performance Optimisation

Farfetch equips affiliates with a suite of performance optimisation tools to refine marketing strategies and maximise revenue:

  • A/B Testing: 

The platform supports A/B testing, allowing affiliates to experiment with different headlines, images, and call-to-action.

These help identify the most effective combinations.

  • Conversion Path Analysis: 

Detailed conversion path analysis helps affiliates understand the customer’s journey from the initial click to the final purchase.

  • Customer Demographics: 

Affiliates gain access to detailed demographic data about their audience, including age, location, and purchasing behaviour.

  • Automated Recommendations: 

Algorithms provide recommendations on optimising anything from ad placements to content strategies based on real-time performance data.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: 

Regular comprehensive reports offer deep insights into sales performance, traffic trends, and conversion metrics.

  • ROI Tracking: 

The program includes robust ROI tracking tools that calculate the return on investment for each campaign.

  • Benchmarking: Affiliates can benchmark their performance against industry standards or other affiliates within the program.Comparing Farfetch Affiliate

Best Affiliate Programs: Farfetch vs Other Affiliate Programs 

How does Farfetch stack up against the competition?

FeatureFarfetch Affiliate ProgramNike Affiliate ProgramAmazon Associates
Commission RatesCompetitive rates, specifics may varyUp to 11% on qualifying purchasesUp to 10%, varies by product category
Product RangeLuxury fashion from 3,000+ brands and boutiquesSportswear, footwear, apparel, equipmentWide range across multiple categories
Global ReachPresence in over 190 countries worldwidePresence in over 190 countries worldwidePresence in multiple countries globally
Cookie DurationSpecifics not disclosed, typically standard in industry30 days24 hours for most products
Payment ScheduleSpecifics not disclosed, typically monthlyMonthlyMonthly
Support ProvidedMarketing tools, real-time tracking, promotional supportMarketing tips, performance analytics, promotional eventsBanners, widgets, API access, basic support
Approval ProcessSelective, based on website quality and relevanceInclusive, but criteria ensure brand alignmentInclusive, but criteria ensure compliance
Special PromotionsExclusive access to luxury promotions and productsPerformance-based incentives, special campaignsSeasonal promotions, occasional exclusive deals


Farfetch is truly a promising and reliable option for anyone looking to transform their financial future. 

With attractive commission rates and a comprehensive suite of industry-standard tools, it’s hard to overlook such an enticing opportunity. 

They offer much more than just a chance to earn, but a gateway to building a lucrative and prestigious online presence. 

Don’t miss out on the chance to join the Farfetch Affiliate Program and elevate your affiliate marketing game to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I maximise my Farfetch Affiliate earnings during seasonal promotions?

  • Create engaging and timely content and paid search ads to drive conversions during peak periods.

What types of content work best for promoting Farfetch Affiliate products?

  • Visual content performs exceptionally well for luxury fashion. Consider creating high-quality blog posts, video reviews, and lookbooks. 

What should I do if my traffic isn’t converting to sales?

  • First, ensure your affiliate links are correctly implemented and functional. Next, analyse your content to see if it aligns with your audience’s interests. 

Can I collaborate with other Farfetch affiliates or influencers to boost my sales?

  • Definitely, also consider co-hosting events, participating in joint giveaways, or creating collaborative content like style challenges or trend reports.

How can I keep my audience engaged and coming back for more?

  • Offer exclusive content and engage your audience through social media interactions, Q&A sessions, and personalised recommendations.

What are some common mistakes to avoid as a Farfetch affiliate?

  • When you promote farfetch, avoid saturating your content with too many affiliate links, as it can appear spammy.
Uday Tank

Uday Tank is a serial entrepreneur and content marketing leader. He has a wide variety of interests and enjoys writing, including marketing, productivity, business, health, diversity, and management.